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Dear God, I see my judgmental thoughts. My need to feel superior. Know better. Be better. Do better. How can I let go of that? How can I stay connected to the truth of my soul? Stay aware.
Look at your judgment's need for superiority straight in the eye. Look at your desire to be appreciated straight in the face. They are only powerful when they make string puppets out of you, letting you believe that this is who you are. As soon as you see the strings and identify the puppeteers, judgment & superiority no longer have control. Your eyes see them, your heart understands them. The strings let go. You walk your true path because they can no longer play with you. They will re-attach many more times and you will need to keep looking at them and understanding them. Until one day, all of a sudden, you won't notice them anymore. They have let go. Disappeared. Given up. Searching for their next puppet. Comments are closed.
About Me:My Outer-Self: B.S. from USC in Industrial & Systems Engineering, owner of Amna Dance, Co-founder of Hatch Brighter and You Matter Too. |